The 9 Week Functional Fitness Strength Program
- This program is 9 weeks in length, and is focused on building strength, while maintaining your conditioning.
- Please note that this is not the same programming as the free version. This program showed greater strength improvement than the 5x5.
- Each session has a specific warm up, primary strength movement, accessory work, and a WOD.
- I've also included scaling options, specific percentages for the lifts, and goals to shoot for on the WODs
- This is my most thoroughly tested program, as I've had my home gym test many of these lifts, and I personally tested every session.
- Lifting protocol and WODs have been changed and improved over the free version
- While I can't guarantee your results, I expect that you can gain between 5-10% on your main lifts, and increase your WOD capacity as well. Results will vary, but hard working athletes can show great gains on this program.